September 11, 2024


Tips for a successful home renovation | Features

(StatePoint) Whether you’re buying a fixer-upper or updating your current home, renovations will improve the functionality of your property and increase its value. Here’s your guide for making the process successful:

Set a goal: Prioritize renovations that help you meet your goals. For example, if you’d like to elevate your home’s aesthetic appeal, consider projects like landscaping the front yard or refurbishing a highly-trafficked room. If you’re more interested in guarding your home against natural disasters, consider exterior updates such as replacing the roof or windows.

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Sustainable home renovation tips: 6 expert ideas |

Renovations present a unique opportunity to make your home greener, creating environments that combine aesthetics and practicality with environmental consciousness.

Every decision made during a home renovation can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, from choosing eco-friendly gadgets and materials to minimizing waste and reducing energy consumption.

Shea McGee’s top tips for living through a home renovation |

If you've ever lived through a home renovation, you will be familiar with the chaos that tends to ensue. Between builders coming in and out of your house at all hours to the inevitable noise that becomes the status quo, it's notoriously a difficult process to get through. And while some get the opportunity to live somewhere else through the worst of the remodel, others are stuck right at home, living amongst the construction.

Luckily, interior designer Shea McGee just shared her top tips to those living through a remodel, from what to expect to how to cope with the worst of the process. And as someone who's led countless renovations (plus lived through many in her own home), there's no one better than Shea to share her advice. And with her tips in mind, you can make the final call on whether you should live on-site when renovating a property. Here's what she had to say.

What to know when living through a home remodel

‘Unsellable Houses’ Stars Reveal Money-Saving Renovation Tips

Unsellable Houses stars Lyndsay Lamb and Leslie Davis are on a roll. The twin sisters and real estate agents recently won season five of Rock the Block, appeared on House Hunters: All Stars, and are gearing up for a fifth season of their HGTV series. They even started a podcast, Twin Win Unfiltered, that digs into the behind-the-scenes of their busy lives. While fixing many homes over the years, the duo has learned major ways to save money on renovations—and anyone can follow suit. From refreshing cabinetry with new doors to finding materials in unexpected places, take a look at their top tips below.

Reuse Cabinetry

For a kitchen renovation, the duo says one of the biggest ways to save money is to reuse cabinetry and some appliances. "You can paint cabinetry and replace hardware," they tell House Beautiful. "If you need more than just paint to make it feel right, you can still save a ton by just replacing the doors to a new style and leaving the cabinet body in place."

Source Leftover Materials

Another option for building or revamping a kitchen is to ask a cabinet installer for remnant boxes. This way, you can design a fresh kitchen for a fraction of what a custom job will cost. “If we are going to have colored cabinets, we will ask the cabinet installer to use 'leftover' cabinet boxes from any job they had that fit the space and layout so that we are getting a lower price by using mix-and-match boxes and not ordering a new complete matching set," Lamb says.

Through this method, Lamb and Davis usually end up with white, natural, and even blue boxes when the kitchen is installed. "This is totally fine with us because we then have it painted the color we want the boxes to be," Lamb says. "Often, this is because we are going for a color that is not 'in stock' with standard cabinet colors. We will paint them our custom color, and no one would [be any] the wiser.”

Turn to Unexpected Places

Lamb and Davis recommend buying materials and fixtures from a salvage yard, Habitat for Humanity, or building material auctions for good deals on quality pieces. Classic buy-and-sell websites (like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and AptDeco) are also a great place to start. "People are always moving and need to sell perfectly fine appliances quickly, or you may end up finding a ton of lumber left over from someone else's project they need to sell before moving," they say.

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Headshot of Kelly Allen

Kelly Allen is the Associate Editor at House Beautiful, where she creates design, culture, and travel content online and in the magazine. She’s been on the team since 2019, writing features on and , in-depth , and inspiring . From researching to discovering can’t-miss onscreen, she’s always eager to answer burning pop culture questions through a design lens. In her five-year career, she’s built a strong network of designers across disciplines to tap for their invaluable expertise. Her background includes honing reporting skills while tackling viral news for Delish and contributing to Cosmopolitan’s entertainment coverage. When she’s not watching every new and , she’s browsing vintage home stores, attending industry events, and wandering around —highlighting it all .

West Vancouver: Renovation honours architectural legend Barry Downs

West Vancouver home gets a contemporary upgrade while honouring late great Canadian architect

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Architect Cedric Burgers wasn’t mincing words: “If you don’t buy it, I will,” he told Tanya and Scott McMillan, at an open house for what would become their West Vancouver home.

The couple had asked Burgers to join them and give his two cents on the home’s potential. And he had learned that the 1966-built house was originally designed by late great Canadian architect Barry Downs.

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“The house was beautifully built for its time; a well-crafted West Coast Modern mid-century house with a flat roof,” says Burgers.

It was 2016, and the McMillans were returning from a stint living in New Zealand with their three children, aged 7, 9 and 10. The home, with its large, open rooms, wide windows and North Shore forest setting, seemed like a perfect place to land.

“We loved the bones, the clean lines and the large windows. It was set in this natural landscape and had a great indoor-outdoor connection,” says Tanya. “We knew it was going to need some work, but Cedric educated us on the history of Barry Downs and his contributions to architecture in Canada. Knowing the history and the relevance, we jumped at the opportunity.”

In the home's two-storey living room, the design team used cedar panelling matching the home's exterior siding for a focal point wall that runs from inside to out. Zinc panelling gave a crumbling brick fireplace new life, while custom-cut window panes slotted into the home's original cherry-stained wood frames.
In the home’s two-storey living room, the design team used cedar panelling matching the home’s exterior siding for a focal point wall that runs from inside to out. Zinc panelling gave a crumbling brick fireplace new life, while custom-cut window panes slotted into the home’s original cherry-stained wood frames. Photo by Andrew Latreille
Large basaltina porcelain floor tiles run throughout the home, the terrace and the pool surround.
Large basaltina porcelain floor tiles run throughout the home, the terrace and the pool surround. Photo by Andrew Latreille

Burgers was thrilled to work on a home with such a pedigree, as intent on honouring Downs’ vision as modernizing. Among other upgrades, the project would include structural reinforcements, new flooring and windows throughout, a new kitchen and dining area, layout adjustments, and a new wing accommodating a new primary suite and a pool.

Once draft drawings were complete, Tanya invited Downs himself — who happened to live nearby at the time — over to take a look. “He used to walk his dog around our block,” she says. “We wanted to include his suggestions because we wanted the renovation to feel like it was part of the original design and not an add-on.”

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With this in mind, the house retains most of its original form and profile, with its entry on top and three floors stepping down the hillside. The pavilion-like new addition juts off the bottom floor, while a system of retaining walls replaces a sloping garden at the back to make way for a patio and pool.

A series of retaining walls filled a sloping garden to make way for a new pool and patio, floored in the same porcelain tile as the home's interior spaces.
A series of retaining walls filled a sloping garden to make way for a new pool and patio, floored in the same porcelain tile as the home’s interior spaces. Photo by Andrew Latreille

“I explained to Barry what we were trying to do, and he was very receptive,” says Burgers. Not only did Downs remember the original home, but he was gracious about the proposed changes, writing a letter of support to the District of West Vancouver. The District eventually approved the project — even the setback-exceeding addition — contingent on preserving the home’s heritage value.

Inside, the spaces had been through two renovations since the 60s, creating a sort of esthetic hodgepodge. So, the team’s first step was to peel back these layers, then restore as much as possible to original condition, while refreshing the home for modern living.

The home’s centrepiece, then and now, is the two-storey living room, where floor-to-ceiling cedar panelling, with a charred and stain-rubbed finish, now matches the home’s exterior siding, for indoor-outdoor flow. Zinc panelling gave a crumbling brick fireplace new life, while new custom window panes slotted into original cherry-stained wood frames. The effect is clean-lined, but also textured enough to feel welcoming.

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“We love being there watching movies with a fire going, and nice light. Especially in the winter, we spend a lot of time in there together,” says Tanya.

In the new wing, large windows match the feel of those in the original home, but with modern glass-to-glass corner joins for even wider views; something Burgers imagines that Downs would have done himself, if the technology had been available in his time.

On the home's lower floor, a pavilion-like new addition houses a new primary suite, thoughtfully designed to blend with the look and feel of the original structure, overlooking the swimming pool and the surrounding forest.
On the home’s lower floor, a pavilion-like new addition houses a new primary suite, thoughtfully designed to blend with the look and feel of the original structure, overlooking the swimming pool and the surrounding forest. Photo by Andrew Latreille
Walnut millwork, grey tile and marble counters create a serene setting for the primary ensuite.
Walnut millwork, grey tile and marble counters create a serene setting for the primary ensuite. Photo by Andrew Latreille

An open-plan kitchen and dining room replace tucked-away rooms typical of the home’s era, retaining the original windows to frame the forest view, with large new skylights and a white palette to brighten further.

“When you look through (the home), you’re always connecting to the outside,” says Burgers.

As a result, the house is now very much the forest sanctuary the family envisioned when they first toured it all those years ago, says Tanya. “It’s almost like a holiday when you’re at home,” she says. “In the winter, you see all the snow on the mountains when you’re sitting in the kitchen, and in the summer, it’s like a tropical little paradise.”

The design team wanted to restore as much as possible to original condition, while refreshing and updating the home for modern living.
The design team wanted to restore as much as possible to original condition, while refreshing and updating the home for modern living. Photo by Andrew Latreille

Downs wasn’t able to visit the renovated home before he passed away in 2022, but Burgers hopes he would have approved. After all, from the front, the structure looks almost as it did in 1966 — except for a row of Douglas fir trees, which were saplings at the time of construction and now tower to 100 feet tall, rivalling the surrounding cedars.

“If this had been a new build, all the trees would have come down,” says Burgers. “But those beautiful trees have grown in and around the house. The roots and foundation have settled into their way of living with each other.” And the house into its next era.

Architectural Design: Burgers Architecture

Interior Design: Marieke Burgers

Construction: Jason Lorenz, Lorenz Developments

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‘Bachelorette’ Star Tyler Cameron Reveals His Best Household Renovation Guidelines

Get ready: You will find a new home renovation present to binge.

While you may possibly be employed to observing the House Brothers and Gaineses on your Television, Amazon Key Video's newest truth Television set demonstrate/docuseries, Going Residence with Tyler Cameron, functions former Bachelorette star Tyler Cameron (yes, that Tyler).

The eight-episode sequence, which all air on April 18, paperwork Tyler's journey as he builds his development and renovation company in his hometown of Jupiter, Florida, just after dropping his mother. Viewers will see him reworking every little thing from his aunt and uncle's multi-million dollar residence to a small-phrase rental and his late mother's property. And as you may have guessed, there will also be a number of cameos in the combine previous Bachelor Country stars Matt James, Rachael Kirkconnell and Jason Tartick. The authentic kicker? Hannah Brown, the bachelorette who turned down Tyler's proposal, will also make an appearance.

Tyler a short while ago sat down with Good Housekeeping to discuss how to make the renovation procedure go effortlessly and exactly where property owners really should splurge and save. Moreover, he reveals some of the residence structure traits he is loving correct now.

tyler cameron, jason tartick

Courtesy of Prime

Tyler Cameron will get a hand from former Bachelor Country star, Jason Tartick.

Fantastic Housekeeping: What surprises most persons about renovating a house?

Tyler Cameron: A large amount of our clients have a really hard time when we are ripping matters out and tearing things aside. They never see how it truly is all going to occur together, so you seriously need to have a forward-wondering mind. You have to be capable to see what's not there. When we're placing in people ending touches, arranging all the home furnishings, which is the place the entertaining and the magic comes about.

    GH: Is there a person tip to make sure the full procedure goes efficiently?

    TC: When you're going to renovate your put, it's most effective to reside in it for a very little although. Sense how you might be going to use the space, so you can seriously program it out accurately. If you have a true plan, sticking to it will enable safeguard your budget. It will not likely make it as frightening or dreadful.

    tyler cameron

    Michael SeRine/Prime Video

    Tyler Cameron’s building and renovation corporation, Image A person, is dependent in Jupiter, Florida.

    GH: When it arrives to a renovation, what areas ought to a single splurge and help you save on?

    TC: Splurge on the areas you are likely to spend the most time in. For me, it's the most important bedroom and rest room. But when it will come to a home's resale price, individuals constantly say go with the loos, kitchens and closets.

    I am also a major believer that if you happen to be likely to are living in this room for a lengthy time, you need to establish out a little silent location — your very own getaway. In my property, for instance, I opened up the back again wall of a home, put in French doorways and built a deck that is likely to have a sauna, a cold plunge and couches for lounging. We all require that location in our house to just acquire a breath, get absent and recharge.

    GH: Are there selected initiatives owners can take into account tackling without the need of the support of a skilled?

    TC: Discover some kind of wainscoting or paneling that can make a enormous difference in a space and make it experience custom-made. It may possibly take you a couple of occasions to figure out the 45-degree cuts, but you start off moving very speedy at the time you do. You don't actually want to seek the services of a skilled to do it and paint it. Having said that, when it comes to shifting electrical things or plumbing, seek the services of a professional. You will not want to wake up to flooding or nearly anything like that. It is really not entertaining. I've been there, done that.

    GH: What layout traits are resonating with people today right now?

    TC: We are obtaining previous light shades and grays. Men and women are likely for darker, moodier shades. They are likely daring with shade and getting chances, which is exciting.

Top 2024 Renovation And Design Trends to Consider

Expert Tips From Designers To Help Give Your Home A Refresh

I’m not a designer. I’m a contractor, but over the years, I have developed a newfound admiration for interior designers. We’ve also had a lot of fun with them on our shows —they brought a new fresh perspective to what we were doing. Not to mention they’ve kept us current with the most recent renovation and design trends. Even if I wasn’t on board with some of their ideas, I trusted them, and in the end, it worked out in ways I couldn’t have imagined.


Sherry and Mike Holmes working with Aspire Designs on one of our projects for Holmes Family Rescue Season 2.Sherry and Mike Holmes working with Aspire Designs on one of our projects for Holmes Family Rescue Season 2.

Working with Aspire Design Group on one of our projects for Holmes Family Rescue Season 2.


I work with some great designers, and together, we have created some incredible spaces that are practical, functional and beautiful for our homeowners. Last year, we concentrated on updating some key spaces, including the home office, the laundry room, mud rooms, the kitchen island and pantries, along with highlighting unique architectural details to complete the spaces. 

These key spaces remain in demand and will continue to be highlighted this year! Here are some renovation and design trends to consider in 2024.


Maximize Storage With A Pantry

A well-designed pantry can be a game changer. Why? Because everyone can do with more storage space. We are finding that pantries are a line item that homeowners want included in their wish lists. This is especially true for large or extended families living in one house or even in smaller homes where utilizing all useable space is essential. 


Kitchen renovation completed by Saldan, Holmes Approved Homes Builder.Kitchen renovation completed by Saldan, Holmes Approved Homes Builder.

Kitchen renovation completed by Saldan, Holmes Approved Homes Builder.


With the cost of everything going up, locking in on quantity discounts is popular but you need somewhere to store the items. Having a pantry provides that extra space to store items. Adding more cabinets, pull-out drawers or rotating organizers for easy access will help keep things organized.


Storage is the name of the game and with the evolution of how to carve out kitchen space plans, pantries have been included in the square footage space of kitchens, says Bilha Kangethe of The Lifestyle Loft


For entertaining enthusiasts, built-in wine racks or appliance garages can free up valuable counter space. In smaller homes, maximize vertical space with floor-to-ceiling shelving and explore clever storage solutions like corner cabinets or hanging organizers.


Kitchen renovation with pantry by Wastell Homes, Holmes Approved Homes BuilderKitchen renovation with pantry by Wastell Homes, Holmes Approved Homes Builder

Kitchen renovation with pantry by Wastell Homes, Holmes Approved Homes Builder.


Not to mention, pantries are no longer just for canned goods! According to the National Kitchen & Bath Association’s 2024 Kitchen Trends report, more homeowners are incorporating small appliance stations and coffee bars within their pantries. This multi-functional approach allows for better organization and streamlines workflow in the kitchen. 


Pro Tip: Consider adding outlets for countertop appliances or installing a dedicated coffee bar complete with a sink and hidden storage for mugs and accessories. Remember, any electrical work must be done by a licensed electrical contractor.



15 Easy Ways to Update Your Kitchen on a Budget


Work From Home in Style: Multi-Functional Home Office Ideas

The home office is here to stay, as many people have settled into a hybrid work schedule. A home office serving as a multi-functional space makes sense, especially for busy families


Office Room renovated for Holmes Family RescueOffice Room renovated for Holmes Family Rescue

I love how this office came together on Holmes Family Rescue Season 1. The big windows are great as they allow so much natural light to come in and that green colour is timeless.


“Being able to use one space for more than one function has become more of a lifestyle for a lot of families instead of a “trend”, says Cynthia Soda, of Soda Pop Design Inc. 


A home office can be a guest room, playroom or crafts room combination. The possibilities are endless. Also, multi-functional furniture is now available to accommodate any space. There is a lot of love given to multi-functional furniture pieces as well, like games tables or transformer tables that can start as a console table/desk and extend to seat a large dinner party, adds Cynthia. This is great for multi-functional rooms or smaller condos where you want to make your space as functional as possible.



13 Creative Home Office Ideas


Choosing the Right Furniture for Your Needs

Kimm, from Kimmberly Capone Interior Design, installed a beautiful bed with a hydraulic system for one of our families.  The mattress easily lifts without disturbing the bedding, revealing space that can be used for linens, blankets and even winter coats. The hydraulic system is safe and practical for a small home,” says Kimmberly.


KimmberlyCaponeDesigns_MurphyBed With Mike Holmes and Mike Holmes JrKimmberlyCaponeDesigns_MurphyBed With Mike Holmes and Mike Holmes Jr

We installed this beautiful bed with a hydraulic system from Kimmberly Capone’s furniture collection for one of our families to help maximize some of their storage space.


Another thing Kimm explained was the importance of purchasing sofas and chairs with high-density foam. The quality of foam used has a direct impact on the longevity of the piece of furniture. For example, there are three levels of foam quality:

  • Level 1 – the lowest grade is typically found in low-end quality furniture, and will last a couple of years before it starts to show signs of degradation, like showing “dips” where people have sat, and not “bouncing” back
  • Level 2 – is a mid-level grade that will last 4-5 years
  • Level 3 – is a high-density grade foam that will last 20 -25 years as you can “flip and turn” to prolong the life of the cushion


Laundry room reno on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2Laundry room reno on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2

Taking a break on the new sectional in Jason and Alison’s basement.


Quality as well as functionality needs to be considered when designing multi-functional spaces.


Home Gym Benefits & Design Ideas

The resurgence of home gyms over the past few years will continue as they’re convenient and quiet. There’s no commute, and it saves on membership fees. Plus, you can work out whenever you like or have time – no excuses. 


Home gym renovation from Holmes Family Rescue Season 2Home gym renovation from Holmes Family Rescue Season 2

I love mixing up my workouts and I think this gym we created for these homeowners is great because it provides so much flexibility for the entire family to enjoy this time together.


But it also goes beyond saving time and money. It allows you to tailor your workout routine to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you prefer high-intensity interval training or a more relaxed yoga session, a home gym provides a private space to focus on your well-being. To create a motivating environment, consider incorporating inspirational quotes, workout mirrors, or even a smart TV to stream fitness classes.

If you don’t have a lot of room in your home, consider maximizing your space with smart solutions. For example, installing a Murphy bed with a built-in pull-up bar or wall-mounted weight racks that fold flat when not in use. Utilize vertical space with shelves or cabinets to store equipment and free weights. Remember, even basic bodyweight exercises or resistance bands can make for a great workout, making a home gym accessible for any budget.


Home gym installed on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2Home gym installed on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2

If you want to take things up a notch, add a fun rock-climbing wall for kids too, like we did in Jason and Allison’s home.



9 Home Trends That Resulted From The Pandemic


Additional Design Considerations 

Like any room in your home, lighting is essential, so keep that in mind too. 

Also, if the plan includes lots of heavy equipment, ensure your floor can handle the extra weight. However, for most equipment, you should be fine, but I always suggest a dense rubber mat overlay to protect the floor and your joints and to help absorb noise. 


Laundry Room & Mudroom Must-Haves

Laundry rooms and mudrooms are no longer afterthoughts – they’re essential spaces for keeping your home organized and stylish. Whether you have dedicated rooms or a combined space here are some design tips to help you plan your space.

These rooms are essential for large families, dog lovers, and outdoor enthusiasts. Depending on the space available, these spaces can be separate, or a two-in-one is often used.


Laundry Rooms

Laundry rooms have come a long way from being a dark, dingy space in the basement. In today’s homes, laundry rooms can be stylish and are often now on the main floor of a house with some nice details, storage options and pops of colour – they have become practical spaces that you enjoy spending time in – and who doesn’t want to spend time in a nice space? 


Laundry Room reno on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2Laundry Room reno on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2

While this isn’t a huge space to work with we were able to add lots of storage for these homeowners with a floating shelf, a foldable drying rack, and a great wallpaper to make the space feel bigger.


Speaking of space, don’t let limited square footage hold back your reno! Popular 2024 trends like stackable washer and dryer units or space-saving wall-mounted appliances can maximize functionality in compact areas. Since homeowners are now more conscious of being energy-efficient, consider incorporating smart laundry systems that optimize water usage and detergent dispensing. For ultimate convenience, consider adding a folding drying rack that disappears when not in use.


Laundry rooms can still be in the basement, but access to natural light is also a huge thing for me, says Cynthia Soda, so if you don’t have a window or the ability to put in a sun-tunnel then the right kind of lighting in this type of working space is key,”. A layered lighting design is always ideal to make the space welcoming and functional. 


I also love to include smart LED lighting whenever I can and using motion sensor lighting is a great choice. The light will turn on automatically when someone enters the laundry room and it will turn off when you leave with your hands full of laundry. And your lights will never be left on, so there will be no wasting energy. 




Read This Before Renovating Your Laundry Room

15 Small Laundry Room Design Ideas & Tips



Mudrooms are just that – they can be small areas typically near an entrance where people can take off their outdoor clothing, messy shoes or boots, store equipment and even clean pets. It’s essential to ensure the space functions, even if it is small. 


Mike Holmes Jr giving Caicos a bath. Holmes Family Rescue.Mike Holmes Jr giving Caicos a bath. Holmes Family Rescue.

If you have the space consider adding a pet wash station in your mudroom this way you’re keeping the mess and dirt away from the rest of your home.


Embrace the 2024 trend of hall trees and decorative hooks to add personality and style.  Incorporate a stylish bench with built-in storage for throw blankets or extra shoes.  Remember to choose durable flooring whether it’s a non-slip tile, engineered hardwood or high-quality laminate. Consider a washable accent rug to trap dirt and debris before it tracks throughout the house.



Mudroom renovation completed by Schreyer Construction, Holmes Approved Homes Builder.



7 Mudroom Ideas and Design Tips


Mudroom & Laundry Room Combo

However, a mudroom and laundry room can be combined. We recently did one that included a laundry wall unit with storage, a washer and dryer, and a pet washing station. Separated by an island, another area had a large hall tree for coats, shoes and storage, plus a powder room. This is an exception, but it was ideal for this large rural living family.


Eye-Catching Design Trends

How to Incorporate Decorative Arches

Several of our recent renovation projects have included architectural arch details. Some were existing, and some arches were added to enhance the space. Either way, they are becoming and will continue to be a popular detail, and most designers I work with agree.


Sherry Holmes helping to build a decorative arch connecting the office with the dining room and kitchen on Holmes Family Rescue.Sherry Holmes helping to build a decorative arch connecting the office with the dining room and kitchen on Holmes Family Rescue.

I helped build this decorative arch connecting the office with the dining room and kitchen on Holmes Family Rescue.


Soft edges and curves are in harmony with our desire to connect with nature and feel less rigid/contrived in our spaces, says Cynthia Soda, of Soda Pop Design Inc. One of the fundamental elements of design is creating balance in a space between straight lines and soft curved edges. Decorative arches are a great way to create a focal point in a room.


Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors

All the designers I’ve worked with love adding natural elements to the spaces they create, whether it’s a “live” or “living wall,” herb wall or a grouping of house plants.

A new thing that our designers have been adding, particularly in the basement renos is a moss wall which adds a punch of green. I like to call it a “grass wall”! But seriously, adding greenery to any room brings a visual connection with the outdoors.


Holmes Family Rescue Season 2 Live Moss ArtHolmes Family Rescue Season 2 Live Moss Art

While we were a bit worried at first about how it would look like, but this green moss art turned out great in this basement reno bringing a little bit of the outdoors indoors.


Other effective solutions are installing large expansive windows or even a seasonal sunroom. Using natural elements, such as wood or stone, or even specialized thematic wallpaper helps create warmth and texture in any room regardless of the style of the home. 


Show Your Style: Adding Personal Touches to Your Renovation

As much as I love my designers, the homes we give back to the homeowners are “homes”, not showrooms so we always try to incorporate pieces that provide a personal touch and show off their personality. This can be achieved by incorporating custom art, family heirlooms, handcrafted items and eclectic pieces of furniture – these all help create connections to the homeowner and their home and focal points within the space.

We created a beautiful wall display and focal point in a recent episode (find the name of the homeowners), with Kimm’s direction, by using the homeowner’s beloved blue and white China plate collection. Otherwise, stuffed in a drawer or box, now can be enjoyed every day. The homeowner loved it!


Sherry Holmes and Mike Holmes working with Kimmberly Capone to create a personal wall art piece for this homeowner on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2.Sherry Holmes and Mike Holmes working with Kimmberly Capone to create a personal wall art piece for this homeowner on Holmes Family Rescue Season 2.

We had so much fun creating this personal wall gallery using the homeowner’s china that was stored for years without being used.


Use Colour to Bring Boldness to a Room

Some of the interior designers I work with love colour, which I tend to shy away from. However, with a trained eye, a pop of colour can really enhance a room. 


According to Bilha Kangethe “everything from warm earth tones like terracotta, olive green and chocolate browns, to deeper hues like chartreuse and buttery yellow tones will dominate”, offering simple elegance with comfort. 


Floral wallpaper on Holmes Family Rescue.Floral wallpaper on Holmes Family Rescue.

We wanted to really make a statement in this room and this wallpaper was the perfect fit adding lots of colours to brighten up the space.


No matter what colours you like, pops of colour can be incorporated with paint, wallpaper, a wooden wall treatment or even pillows. Adding texture is another great way to enhance a space. Plus, there are so many different wallpaper “prints” available you can even mimic a stone wall at a fraction of the cost of a real stone wall. 

There are countless possibilities to brighten and enhance a room and show your personality. 



14 Accent Wall Ideas For Your Home

Sherry Holmes’ Tips for Making Your Accent Walls Pop


I’m looking forward to another busy year and I’m excited to see what my team and I can create. Renovation and design trends will come and go but ultimately it’s essential to create spaces that are practical, and functional while also reflecting your personality and lifestyle.



8 Home Renovations that Add Value to Your Home

How Much Should You Budget for Home Renovations?

Your Home Renovation Team – Who to Hire and When?

A Holmes Guide To Prioritizing Home Renovations

Christina Hall’s Ought to-Adhere to Renovation and Layout Guidelines

Christina Corridor appreciates her way all over a renovation. The HGTV star has completed hundreds of them at this stage you can enjoy her renovation journeys on her HGTV reveals, Christina on the Coastline, Christina in the Place, and Flip or Flop. Any person who’s concluded their personal reno appreciates it is no little feat now just picture undertaking a renovation about and over and about all over again, and all the trials you go by during it are caught on camera.

With so quite a few projects at the rear of her, Hall is a renovation pro, and we spoke with her for her advice on what to consider when you’re starting up a project of your very own: Study on for her strategies.

Decide When to Renovate Cautiously

So, when is the finest time to deal with your renovation venture? Hall’s shorter answer: Whenever you are up to it. Corridor understands as a great deal as any person how a lot perform and income a renovation venture can just take.

“I imagine what’s actually essential for individuals to comprehend is that pricing has gone up rather a bit due to the fact of inflation,” she tells Far better Homes & Gardens. “What probably employed to expense $50,000, can now value almost $100,000. I constantly advise finding a couple of estimates and earning confident that any contractors you take into consideration working with have excellent references.”

Having the time to establish what your spending budget is, what each and every venture will charge, and which tasks or rooms are most significant to you is the to start with move in renovating your residence. Corridor indicates finding all of all those decisions agreed on first, then stressing about the a lot more time-consuming structure facts later on.

Christina Assortment Flooring

Mix Style Types and Colors

Hall has noticed a shift in what style design home owners are gravitating towards. She claims that more men and women are steering absent from great tones and starting to use hotter and more pure tones.

“I’m looking at additional medium-browns, in distinction to every thing remaining all white oak. I really like mixing colors—I really like mixing blacks and organic woods specially,” Corridor says.

Trying to keep to solely all one design design (like present day farmhouse, for case in point), is a issue of the earlier, according to Corridor. She says structure is trending in the direction of mixing several style types all in just one household. Moreover, combining numerous types will assistance make sure a extra timeless final result from your renovation, as tendencies are constantly evolving. Pick what you like, not just what is popular this yr.

Shop with Your Relatives and Way of life in Mind

Among her lots of other commitments (now renovating 18 homes and flipping a few!), Hall has also created her very own flooring line, Christina Selection Flooring, as her hottest enterprise enterprise. She observed that her purchasers had been continuously seeking for flooring that was inexpensive and resilient, but nevertheless aesthetically satisfying, for their home renovation—so she created just that.

“When I formulated this line, it was super vital to me that the flooring was family-pleasant,” Hall states. “We have young children and puppies, and I’ve experienced some previous flooring in my have house that is not quite resilient and essential a great deal of maintenance. Christina Selection Flooring is water-resistant and scratch-resistant, and a lot of my purchasers that have used it have been tremendous happy.”

Paying for substantial-good quality and resilient merchandise for just about every part of your renovation is integral in producing confident you can enjoy the fruits of your tough perform for years to come. Assume of what the products will arrive in get in touch with with just about every day—this will assistance decide how resilient you have to have them to be.

Know Your Style

One of the most prevalent troubles Hall runs into though functioning on a style and design task with purchasers is them not possessing a great comprehending of what their desired model for their residence really is.

“I often have my customers show me inspiration photos for their wished-for design and style model,” Hall suggests. “Someone can normally explain a style they like but when they see it in pics, it is not usually accurate to what they were being picturing.”

Hall normally advises her consumers to search Pinterest and other layout resources to help narrow down their home’s closing style and design eyesight.

A Nearby Designer’s Leading 4 Ideas for Surviving a Household Renovation

As co-founder of Colorado- and California-based mostly interior design company Studio Mesa, Cameron Shepherd has made areas for significant-profile Hollywood executives and motion picture producers. But he not too long ago transformed an early 1980s Evergreen property for his most tough consumer however: himself. To enable you survive your own dwelling makeover, we requested Shepherd about what he learned becoming his very own manager.

1. Exercise patience.

In its place of promptly drawing up designs after acquiring the residence, Shepherd followed a piece of assistance he provides clients: Are living in the space 1st. “It’s essential to see how you interact with a space right before you tear into it,” he says. For example, even although his home’s main lavatory needed the most TLC, he still left that venture for later in the renovation. “By the time we commenced doing work on it,” he suggests, “I had truly potent thoughts about what I wanted it to be.”

Living room
The revamped living space. Photograph by David Lauer

2. Phone a friend.

Through the two-yr-very long renovation, Shepherd leaned on his spouse, Peter Sloterdyk, and his business enterprise lover, Jill Norman. “I can make selections for my shoppers very rapidly, but when I’m my have client, that decisiveness goes out the window,” he claims. To stay away from analysis paralysis, Shepherd indicates narrowing your options down to two or a few choices and presenting them to your associate, mate, or design-savvy relative for a clean viewpoint.

3. Simmer down.

“There are heading to be moments the place you are at your wit’s close,” Shepherd says. “The expense of it all, having people in your residence every single day, making choices constantly…it’s heading to be thrilling, but it’s also heading to be exhausting.” To stay away from burnout, Shepherd suggests creating a harmless haven. “Find a location that feels calm—whether it’s a library, a park, a coffeeshop, or an off-web site office—and make a point of paying time there,” he claims.

The Zen key lavatory. Picture by David Lauer

4. Opt for your battles.

Unless you have an infinite price range, you will have to make some sacrifices to remain in your signifies, no matter if it is extending your timeline or opting for brief beauty fixes fairly than considerable structural alterations. To help save funds, Shepherd painted his present kitchen area cabinets and included a present day light-weight fixture, new components, and clean backsplash tiles rather of overhauling the overall area. “Is it the kitchen I would structure if I have been starting up from scratch? No. But I’m proud of how it turned out, especially for as little as we invested in it.”

This write-up was at first published in 5280 March 2024.

Michelle Johnson

Philly Professionals Share Renovation Suggestions to Provide Your Home A lot quicker


From good renovations to cost-effective updates, best structure minds share their professional guidelines for today’s sellers.

home renovation sale upgrade

Marketing your house? These residence renovation and style and design tips can support.

As Philly boomers downsize to smaller sized abodes, their much larger family members residences are progressively idling on the market. But there are a variety of techniques that sellers can ensure a swift sale with a tiny scheduling.

“Different properties require various points,” says Christina Henck, founder of Philadelphia inside design agency Henck Design and style. “It’s essential to contemplate the age and design of the dwelling, amongst other components, ahead of producing improvements.” That does not always mean gutting the kitchen area to improve the value and marketability of your house, regardless of classic contemplating. Often, you can conveniently transform the area with new components. Jeff Frederick, founder of Giappo Style and design + Create — a Philadelphia company specializing in new development and remodels — says to keep away from busy-wanting stones and choose for cleanse white quartz or Carrara marble for countertops. Henck provides that a simply made matching backsplash, like subway tile, can complete the look.

Somewhere else in the house, there are a great deal of no-price approaches to make your house much more appealing to potential buyers. Eddie Ross, a Main Line artistic consultant and the co-founder of Maximalist Studios, endorses that homeowners strip down their spaces when getting ready to promote — think eradicating curtains, carpets, mild fixtures, wall art and accents.

When they’re decluttering, says Michelle Gage, founder and chief artistic officer of her complete-service Chestnut Hill style business, sellers must determine out the good flooring plan and household furniture layout for just about every area, so possible potential buyers see how to best maximize the house and movement. She also tells sellers to deal with any goods that have been lingering on their individual “honey-do” lists: “Fix that leak, repaint that wall — smaller updates that make it so your consumers aren’t starting their shift with a record of to-dos for them selves.”

Denise Sabia, a structure-make guide with Montgomery County architectural style and design company Harth Builders, doubles down on that strategy. She indicates that householders solely aim their time and interest on structural updates — normally identified as initiatives that no a single is at any time fired up to invest income on. “Think about what a house inspector seems to be for when examining a home, and get the job done from there,” she advises. Think about dwelling renovations like changing the roof, installing new home windows and gutters, or updating the h2o heater or HVAC procedure.

No make any difference which jobs you go after, never underestimate the electric power of curb attraction. Ross suggests ripping out too much shrubbery, changing the light-weight fixture, and supplying the entrance door a new coat of paint in a neutral hue or high-gloss black. Henck and Sabia both agree that strain-washing the exterior and sidewalk (Henck warns that town dwellers must analysis the stone on their stoops right before cleaning) is another quick way to improve your home’s enchantment.

“The aim is to simplify your dwelling,” suggests Ross. “You want to make sensible investments that will get additional revenue out of your offer you.”

>> Simply click right here to return to Authentic Estate Trends for 2024: The Terrific Downsizing

Printed as “All the Suitable Moves” in the March 2024 issue of Philadelphia magazine.

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Edmonton Renovation Show: Find the expert advice you need

Vancouver-based interior designer Jamie Banfield will offer tasty advice on renovating the kitchen.

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Discover what’s in store for 2024 in the world of home improvement, design and technology at the Edmonton Renovation Show, running Jan. 26 to 28 at the Edmonton Expo Centre. From smart homes to renewable energy options, DIY makeovers and eco-friendly building materials, show goers will draw inspiration and ideas from more than 200 exhibitors, Main Stage speakers and celebrity influencers.

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HGTV’s Gemini-award winning handyman Bryan Baeumler, host of multiple network shows such as Renovation Resort and Bryan’s All In, will anchor the Main Stage at the three-day reno show. Baeumler’s breadth of knowledge, ability to translate trends into tangible projects and entertain audiences with his down-home humour makes him immensely popular on the Canadian home show circuit.

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“Bryan has a massive fan base in Edmonton. He is incredibly popular here and homeowners can’t seem to get enough,” says Kristy Cairns, Edmonton Renovation Show group manager. “This show is great for any homeowner, renter or DIY enthusiast who may be looking for some inspiration or tips for projects in 2024.”

Also appearing on the Main Stage is Vancouver-based interior designer Jamie Banfield who will cook up tasty advice on renovating everyone’s favourite room, the kitchen.

“Kitchens are one of the spaces I love the most. I grew up around cabinetry and millwork,” says Banfield, who has designed kitchens for every type of space, from tiny homes to West Coast mansions. “They can be a sore spot for people.”

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His presentation covers simple kitchen makeovers that add charm and texture. “There are ways to add life to your kitchen, even when you rent your home,” he says.

Planning and self-examination about how the kitchen functions is the place to start, followed by building a budget and engaging with professionals.

“It’s important to understand what kind of kitchen fits you. Instead of looking at Instagram or Pinterest and saying, I want that kitchen, you should figure out what function means to you and your family. If you build something that works, chances are it will work for the next family that moves into your home. So, resale can be an important aspect of your design, too,” he says.

Other presenters include renovation specialist Adam Weir, a project manager for HGTV programs and building talent in his own right. Appropriately, Weir will take audiences “behind the scenes” of a home renovation. Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault from Cityline is back with a sneak peek of a luxe Parisian-inspired space created on a shoestring budget in her presentation titled DIY versus BUY. Social media strategist Bree Tetz, one of Edmonton’s most ingenious thrifters, will also share her first-hand knowledge of second-hand home decor.

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“Some of our features on the show floor include Tranquil Spaces, designed by Fresh Space by Grace, a wellness inspired feature for fitness aficionados, and A Breath of Fresh Design by Turquoise Chair, which will showcase 2024 design trends,” says Cairns.


WHAT: The 2024 Edmonton Renovation Show

WHEN: Friday, Jan. 26 to Sunday, Jan. 28

WHERE: Edmonton Expo Centre

HOURS: Jan. 26 from noon to 9 p.m., Jan. 27 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Jan. 28 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

TICKETS: $13 full day/$6.50 half day for ages 13-plus; $11 for ages 60-plus; free for children 12 and under. Save $2 per ticket by purchasing online in advance.


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House pro Andrew Winter’s major renovation guidelines

Eager to spruce up your residence this 12 months? You are not the only one particular, with new investigation locating all over 50 % of house owners are scheduling to do renovations or make home advancements in 2024.

Andrew Wintertime, actual estate skilled and host of Promoting Properties and Really like It or Record It Australia has witnessed his fair share of house makeovers. Regardless of whether you are hunting to renovate your household for sale, or you’re just eager for a change, here are his major tips and the traps to stay away from.

Andrew Winter, property expert on home renovation tips.Andrew Winter, property expert on home renovation tips.

Andrew Wintertime is the new house skilled for Assess the Industry, who located 52 for every cent of homeowners had been arranging a renovation this year. (Resource: Assess the Sector)

Do you have a tale to share? Make contact with [email protected]

1. Increase ‘tangible value’ to your home

If you are renovating with the intention to provide your residence in the close to potential, Wintertime reported it was significant to make certain the renovations in fact added “tangible value”.

“The key ones are just about anything that requires adding rooms,” Wintertime instructed Yahoo Finance. “That’s not generally the circumstance of owning to extend. Some men and women transform a garage into a home but then you shed the garage. So, as extensive as you have a driveway or the potential to set up a carport or a framework to compensate for that loss.

An additional choice could be to make an added room out of a massive open up-plan living space, which may well not be as sensible for your working day-to-working day lifetime.

“If you have a significant plenty of area, you can produce rooms inside of rooms and I have witnessed that function really productively,” Winter stated. “You can literally portion a space off and out of the blue you’ve gained a study or a relatives room. That can be a real price add and it is no more than the value of walling and flooring.”


2. Feel about your style and design selections

If you are hoping to offer in the in close proximity to future, Winter also advisable currently being aware of the design decisions you built for your house.

“I’d dislike for people today not to pick style possibilities they like mainly because it is their house,” he explained. “But bear in brain that, if you assume you are likely to promote it in the near long run, if you go for nearly anything really distinct or really offbeat or controversial, make certain you do that in something that is changeable.

“So, not in lavatory tiles but it's possible a characteristic wall below or there, or kitchen cabinetry - some of the doors could be a robust colour that you really enjoy, which is fine.”

Winter season reported you could let your unique flavor shine by means of in locations like materials, wall colors and flooring - items that could simply be removed or transformed.

“Even with faucet wear, there are plenty of different selections,” Wintertime advised Yahoo Finance. “It was only a little although ago that all people desired rose gold, and that lasted about a week.”

3. Do it yourself what you can

If you’re seeking for means to lower down prices, Winter season suggests undertaking what you can yourself - or enlisting the aid of a buddy or spouse and children member - to conserve on labour prices.

“Electrical fittings, fuel fittings, plumbing troubles or something like that definitely demands to be performed by a registered experienced,” Winter claimed.

“[But] if you are owning your bathroom accomplished, stripping out your rest room completely ready for the contractors will help save you numerous days’ worth of labour.

“Likewise, any portray or tiling or sourcing of making supplies you can do. There is nothing stopping you likely and sourcing on-line and examining the stores out and receiving [everything] prepared to go.”

4. Never overlook about concealed charges

When location your price range, really do not ignore about the concealed expenditures - like council approvals, legal costs and insurance policies.

“Often, for basic renovations, they are only a number of hundred,” Winter season said. “But if you start getting into progress programs and building approvals, then you can get started to get into the countless numbers and it can suddenly be a bit of a unpleasant surprise.”

You can ring your nearby council to see how a great deal approvals would established you back again.

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Yahoo Australia

Residence Renovation Purchase by Home

If you might be planning a significant house renovation that entails multiple rooms and projects, you may possibly be perplexed about in which to get started. Should you start out in widespread areas, like the kitchen area or living space, to get them out of the way? Or is it superior to concentration on out-of-sight places so that the communal areas remain useable for more time? To ascertain the very best strategy, we spoke with professionals to uncover the very best route forward for your next house renovation.

Stacy Zarin Goldberg

Before You Start out

Determine irrespective of whether you will be dealing with the renovation on your own or choosing a expert to do it. "Prior to starting any renovation, create a comprehensive prepare that features a timeline, spending plan, and a checklist of all the rooms you intend to renovate," says Austin Fain, CEO and founder of Best Steel Methods. "Check with with contractors or gurus as wanted."

If your remodeling plans are on the gentle side—or if they are largely cosmetic (consider painting, tiling, or flooring)—you could possibly attempt to tackle them oneself. If the rework is a lot more in depth and calls for a professional's aid, your get will generally be dictated by the professionals who will be executing the work. "Renovating your household though continuing to dwell in it can be a tough procedure," Fain claims. "To lower disruption and maximize comfort, it truly is vital to system the buy of space renovations very carefully."

Divide Your Task Up

Oren Farkash, CEO and owner of South Land Reworking, claims that you should pick out your plan of assault centered on how cozy you feel about living along with an ongoing remodel. He suggests dividing the project into sections, selecting a place to start that functions for you, and then functioning your way by way of adjacent or adjoined spaces—all the even though avoiding the temptation to soar all over to various places, which can prolong your renovation challenge.

Commence With Your Greatest-Precedence Area

hikesterson / GETTY Photographs

Farkash says to get started with the repairs in your to start with-precedence room, and then transfer on to the cosmetic changes after they are done. "It is a good strategy to start off with your maximum priority," he claims, which is usually the kitchen area for most property owners. "This way, if you run out of dollars or electrical power, at the very least you acquired the most important space finished." This can make choosing your starting off position intensely personal—but in the end, this process will make you happiest.

"The kitchen area is just one of the finest sites to start off when redoing your home," states Tom Nolan, a household advancement specialist and founder of AllStar Residence. "Kitchen renovations can be incredibly associated, and choose for a longer time than other rooms in the property. Starting with the kitchen can also help you speedily get back to a perception of normalcy in your property if you're residing in it even though renovating the place."

Shift on to the Future Intense Space

This is very likely heading to be the lavatory if you started out with the kitchen area. Bogs and kitchens will be the most intensive renovation initiatives in your house because they include a large amount of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing function that frequently wants to be performed at the exact time. So, get the a lot more rigorous tasks out of the way 1st. "Just after the kitchen, take into consideration renovating your loos," states Nolan. "If you have various bathrooms in your house, renovate them 1 at a time so you can often have obtain to a toilet and shower. Kitchen area and loos are notorious for currently being expensive rooms to renovate, so prioritize these areas when redoing your house."

The kitchen area or toilet are also higher-value rooms, that means that if these are the only rooms you full, you will likely have improved the worth of your household by executing so.

Shift to Your Residing Area

Just after finishing up renovations and repairs in your kitchen and rest room, you can move on to performing on your dwelling room. "Renovate your primary living or family space to create a snug space for leisure and enjoyment," suggests Fain. "This area can serve as a short-term gathering area while other renovations are ongoing."

Deal with Your Bed room

Joe Hendrickson / GETTY Illustrations or photos

At extensive final, following your kitchen area, loos, and living spaces have been re-carried out, you can flip your attention to your bedroom. "Your bedroom ought to be the final put you renovate," Nolan says. "Keeping normalcy during the course of action is crucial to lessening anxiety for the duration of a renovation, and possessing your bedroom available will enable you snooze and dress as you frequently would."

Comprehensive Beauty Changes Final

Farkash suggests that you simply cannot go mistaken with an inside of-out strategy. "Perform your way from the within (like mechanical capabilities in the partitions and flooring) to the outside (imagine cosmetic finishes)," he states. As soon as main things are done, you can do issues like paint your walls, add new gentle fixtures, or swap out components on cupboards.

Recommendations for Selecting Your Residence Renovation Purchase

Maintain in head that the purchase above is not set in stone. "Bear in mind that this buy can change relying on your unique situation and priorities," suggests Fain. "It is really important to converse with your contractor and look at your family's needs for the duration of the renovation approach. "

1 of the advantages of selecting a specialist workforce for bigger, multi-trade jobs are that they will know the place to start—and exactly where to go from there. "In the very long operate, these execs can get these assignments accomplished more rapidly, so you really don't have to dwell in a renovation workspace for a longer time than you need to have to," Farkash claims.

Doing the job in the incorrect purchase can have unfortunate benefits (which is another purpose why selecting a skilled staff is usually recommended). Farkash claims that you may possibly run the hazard of squandering time and income by having to make repairs (especially if your blunders require paint or flooring stain). Moreover, more substantial mishaps may perhaps call for a go to from an expert, anyway. "Performing in a methodical way will help save you time and dollars, and you will end the project quicker with cleaner, greater benefits," he claims.

How to refresh your dwelling in 2024: Renovation, relocating and charge-reducing suggestions

New year resolutions generally concentrate on earning modifications to our wellbeing and lifestyle. 

Following all, what better time to consider about supplying up smoking, getting rid of pounds or junking an unfulfilling partnership?

But as we start off 2024, this may also be the time to imagine about refreshing our properties, carrying out some long overdue renovations or even relocating household. 

We questioned leading industry experts about the 1 resolution we must make when it comes to our residence...

How to refresh your dwelling in 2024: Renovation, relocating and charge-reducing suggestions

How to refresh your dwelling in 2024: Renovation, relocating and charge-reducing suggestions

As we begin 2024, this may perhaps also be the time to imagine about refreshing our residences, carrying out some extensive overdue renovations or even moving residence

1, Utilise less than made use of house

Danny Campbell, primary architect at HOKO architecture, believes this is the time to unlock our home's opportunity — by getting a way to use unutilised area. 

'Corridors, for example, can usually choose up precious square footage without the need of serving a practical goal, ' he claims. 'By reconfiguring the layout and opening the place, you can increase the usable place.' 

2. Slice out chilly draughts

Oliver Novakovic, complex and innovation director at Barratt Developments, thinks this is the time to consider chopping strength bills — by earning your residence as airtight as possible. 

'The greatest detail that you can do is to wander all-around and discover wherever there are noteworthy draughts, ' he suggests. 'You can do cost-helpful points such as using steel or plastic.

3. Get your affairs in order

Michelle Niziol, director and proprietor of IMS Property Team, implies that the new yr is the ideal time to get all your dwelling-related documentation in purchase. 

'Review and update your assets insurance coverage protection to be certain it adequately shields your investment and possessions, ' she says. 'Consider legal responsibility insurance plan to safeguard yourself in opposition to surprising occasions. 

And make time to organise and digitise assets documents for simple accessibility and management.' 

Oliver Novakovic, technical and innovation director at Barratt Developments, thinks this is the time to consider cutting energy bills ¿ by making your home as airtight as possible

Oliver Novakovic, technical and innovation director at Barratt Developments, thinks this is the time to consider cutting energy bills ¿ by making your home as airtight as possible

Oliver Novakovic, complex and innovation director at Barratt Developments, thinks this is the time to contemplate slicing electrical power costs — by generating your household as airtight as achievable

4. Do your research 

Daniel Copley, shopper specialist at Zoopla, thinks this is the time to assure you're on top of home study. 

He states: 'Regardless of no matter if you are a 1st-time purchaser, wondering what your month to month mortgage loan payments will be or if you are thinking about shifting to a new place, it is essential to fully grasp what you can afford for the reason that you may perhaps be pleasantly shocked by what an area can supply,

'Tools on Zoopla these as the home loan calculator and our space guides on a selection of metropolitan areas across the place can arm you with the info that may make a homebuying selection a little easier following yr.' 

5. Tip-best boilers 

Andy Kerr, at BOXT, suggests that the new year is a time to give your boiler some loving treatment. 

'Ensure you have the ideal boiler for your dwelling, ' he suggests. 'An A-rated one particular can help you save you up to £630 a year on your strength bills, so it begins paying for alone somewhat speedily. 'Be positive to have your boiler serviced, way too. 

A service will continue to keep your manufacturer's warranty intact, and your Fuel Protected registered engineer will be in a position to capture any possible risks just before they result in problems. 

You can also get house address for your boiler to distribute the price of your annual assistance and help make certain you will not fail to remember about it.' 

Andy Kerr, at BOXT, suggests that the new year is a time to give your boiler some loving care

Andy Kerr, at BOXT, suggests that the new year is a time to give your boiler some loving care

Andy Kerr, at BOXT, suggests that the new calendar year is a time to give your boiler some loving treatment

6. Heading environmentally friendly outdoors

Sarah Walker, founder of Classes in Lettings, claims now is the time to emphasis on building a sustainable and ecofriendly out of doors house.

She claims: 'This might include planting drought-resistant vegetation that necessitates minimal h2o these kinds of as lavender, sedum, hebe and fescue grass, as properly as utilising natural fertilisers and pesticides.' 

7. Start constructing

Antony Antoniou, main govt of house and expenditure experts Robert Irving Burns, claims that if you happen to be wondering about obtaining constructing perform completed in 2024, then the before the improved, ahead of the spring hurry. 

He adds: 'It is crucial to analysis who you use and choose a person advised by a friend, neighbour or trusted specialist evaluation web page there are a increasing selection of rogue traders and cowboy builders so you must be vigilant.' 

8. Know your value

Chris Dietz, of Main True Estate Businesses of the World, advises understanding how significantly your house is really worth. 

He says: 'For most persons, their property is their most sizeable economical asset, so all owners must be obvious on the current value of their household and problems in their nearby current market. 

'With the latest economic fluctuations and fascination price uncertainty, this is very best achieved in session with a nearby estate agent and residence price information readily available on-line.

With this awareness, the home owner can finest assess how the home plays into their quick and extensive-phrase fiscal tactic.' 

9. Set on a present

Charlie Warner, associate at Heaton & Associates, suggests that if you might be providing, it is vital to feel about household staging — where by sellers do the job with style specialists to include furnishings and equipment to make the home additional desirable to consumers. 

He provides: 'We are at a critical phase in a modifying industry — many purchasers are anxious about properties that need a good deal of perform and could be the equal of signing a blank cheque. 

'Home staging is a very good way for sellers to showcase the aspiration even if the bones of a residence will not perform extremely perfectly or if its issue is fewer than perfect. 

'It could be dollars well put in as a vendor, mainly because a good deal of customers are unable to see previous poor original displays.' 

Charlie Warner, partner at Heaton & Partners, says that if you're selling, it is important to think about home staging ¿ where sellers work with design experts to add furnishings and accessories to make the home more appealing to buyers

Charlie Warner, partner at Heaton & Partners, says that if you're selling, it is important to think about home staging ¿ where sellers work with design experts to add furnishings and accessories to make the home more appealing to buyers

Charlie Warner, partner at Heaton & Partners, suggests that if you might be offering, it is important to consider about dwelling staging — exactly where sellers operate with design experts to insert furnishings and components to make the residence extra pleasing to consumers

10. Preserve the climate out

Jonathan Rolande, from the Countrywide Affiliation of Assets Buyers, believes a important pledge must be to make your house weather-evidence. 

'In quite a few months of 2023 rainfall was double or even triple the typical and instead than common English drizzle, we now appear to be to be finding heavier and additional frequent rainstorms. 

'Prepare your property for 2024 with common gutter clearance and inspecting roofs, chimneys and chimney flashings for signals of damage or blockage. 

'Very generally a brief and straightforward fix can reduce a substantially extra high priced position even more down the line.' 

Regina Corridor Offers Her Mate a Life-Changing Dwelling Renovation on ‘Celebrity IOU’

Regina Hall is endlessly appreciative of her mate Vonda who’s come to be a key component of her assist program about the previous 15 decades. To give back to her longtime confidant, the Scary Movie star joined forces with style and design duo Drew and Jonathan Scott to give her a lifetime-changing house renovation.

“Vonda and I achieved on Real Husbands of Hollywood,” Corridor reported for the duration of a new episode of Superstar IOU. “I feel she was the head of the makeup division at that time on the demonstrate. And then from there, we just stayed in each other's life irrespective of whether we worked with each other or not.”

The pair have been together by all of life’s ups and downs. Hall included: “I believe it is really exclusive when you know another person well and items are heading on in your existence that you can communicate to someone and you know that it can be gonna be non-public. I have that with Vonda. Vonda has that with me.”

Based in Carson, California, Vonda is a single mom with two little ones. (Her daughter had sickle mobile anemia. Vonda was a bone marrow match, so they did the transplant and her daughter is now sickle cell-free of charge but even now has a lower immune technique.) Alongside with caring for her cherished types, Vonda enjoys to cook dinner and entertain. So, Corridor and the Home Brothers stars formed The Demo Divas, as they named on their own, and acquired to operate to totally transform Vonda’s home.

celebrity iou season 4, los angeles ep 411 demo day featuring regina hall portraits of drew scott, jonathan scott and regina as seen on celebrity iou season 4

Courtesy of HGTV

More than six weeks, the team worked on the kitchen area, eating region, living place, and entry. They knocked down a wall concerning the kitchen area and residing area to open up the space, making it much better suited for hosting. In the kitchen, they included a prolonged peninsula with dolomite counters and all-new cabinetry. Extra storage was constructed into the eating place. A mild, new colour palette—featuring Vonda’s really like of copper accents—makes all of the spaces experience cohesive. Terrazzo tile flooring in the entry and a new fireplace highlighted by Venetian plaster in the living room engage in up Vonda’s creative style.

To top it all off, the staff changed the home's HVAC. The 30-calendar year-aged method was so grimy that it was over and above cleaning. They swapped it out for a clinic-grade technique with several filters for usefulness and performance, that means Vonda can use it knowing it's useful for her loved ones and especially for her immunocompromised daughter. Vonda was so overjoyed. She mentioned: “To know that you selected me for this, and to give me one thing that I had sleepless nights about, and now I can occur in here, deliver [my daughter] here…I thank you guys. I genuinely respect you for carrying out it. I’m confused.”

Really like understanding what your favourite stars are up to? Very same. Let us keep up with them collectively.

Adhere to House Attractive on Instagram and TikTok.

Headshot of Kelly Allen

Kelly Allen is the present-day Associate Editor at Residence Beautiful, where by she addresses style, pop tradition, and vacation for electronic and the print magazine. She’s been with the group for virtually three a long time, attending business activities and masking a range of matters. When she’s not looking at each individual new Tv set display and film, she’s searching classic dwelling shops, admiring lodge interiors, and wandering close to New York City. She formerly labored for Delish and Cosmopolitan. Follow her on Instagram.

12 Residence Renovation Suggestions From 2 Whole Professionals

Stevens utilized the Amazon Lens to come across the brass pulls featured in 5530 Merrimac Avenue.

Residence renovation can be overpowering. Whether or not you’re carrying out it for on your own or diving headfirst into the Correct and Flip Game, at some stage you are going to possibly mutter out loud, “WHO EVEN Is aware Wherever TO Begin?!” Very good news, Amy Stevens and Chad Martin of MHR Construction do and they are additional than delighted to share. Browse together for suggestions, tips, and photos that show their point.

Heads up: MHR Development did NOT finish all these remodels, but you can see their work here. The images utilized are types that your author — pricey, sweet Nikki Barringer — pulled out of the archives.

1. Store on line. Looks obvious, but Stevens claimed you can discover excellent floating vanities on Amazon, Wayfair, AllModern, and much more.

2. Use the Amazon Lens to find styles that appear the similar but charge noticeably considerably less. Google actually just instructed me how to do this.

“Amazon Lens is basically activated by opening the Amazon app and selecting Lens. Customers can then get a image of the product they are looking for, or upload an current image from their machine. When the application analyzes the image, it will recognize any products and solutions that match the merchandise.”

Many thanks, Google!!

3. Walk the assets with a contractor. A contractor will feel by the logistics of your layout. In your house renovation, let us say you want to open up up the kitchen area by eliminating a wall. If that wall is load-bearing, there will be an extra price for the reason that they’ll have to increase beams to fortify it. Super Pun: This is exactly where contractors arrive in helpful.

Seamless wood flooring tends to make 2829 Vz County Street 2144 feel even larger sized than it is.

4. Use the similar flooring all over. One singular flooring not only seems to be a lot more cohesive, but it can also make a house search larger. Together all those strains, we (Realtors) are looking at dwelling renovation projects with a good deal of luxurious vinyl plank flooring that is water-proof and strong sufficient for kitchens and bogs.

1180 Oak Look at Court docket is an outstanding illustration of a solitary paint coloration utilized all over. SO Fantastic.

5. Select a single paint. Yet another way to make the rooms truly feel more substantial in a dwelling renovation? Use the identical paint on the baseboards and the partitions. It’ll also help you save a handful of bucks when it is time to pay the painter.

This small peek-a-boo of a bathtub is a keeper at 9563 Windy Knoll Travel.

6. Appear for techniques to preserve. If there’s a great cast iron bathtub that nevertheless has a good deal of daily life in it, resurface it as an alternative of replacing it.

At 10035 Edgecove Generate, Sunscout Studio stored the galley kitchen area the place it was and simply prolonged it.

7. Continue to keep the initial plumbing footprint. Relocating pipes expenses further revenue in a property renovation, so if you can and it can make sense for the house, keep the primary footprint in kitchens and bathrooms.

8. Limit excursions from subcontractors. By bundling all the perform with each other, you save. Have almost everything buttoned up and know what you want from subs Before you get in touch with them out to do the work. If you modify something mid-household renovation, that is an additional excursion and an additional charge.

A basic ceiling supporter is all that is desired in 1619 Kings Highway‘s main suite.

9. Do not go overboard in the bedrooms. Stevens explained to insert a ceiling admirer with a mild kit and get in touch with it a day. Skip the recessed lighting except you’re the stop user. It’s not important, but for the adore, have a light-weight in the space. (I have toured some lamp-reliant dwelling rooms and it’s not terrific.)

By getting the cabinets to the ceiling, the homeowners at 814 N. Clinton Avenue extra heaps of extra storage.

10. Ditch the furdowns. If it is an older residence and you are gutting the kitchen area, you’ll acquire a ton of cabinet space by relocating the ductwork to the attic and putting the vents in the ceiling. (Furdowns are individuals dropdowns that house the ductwork, naturally.)

The first cupboards at 7138 Vivian Avenue are searching right in a fresh coat of paint.

11. Paint the cupboards. If you can, an easy and rather affordable update is to paint the cabinets. Together those people strains, Stevens pointed out that only refacing cabinets does NOT give the discounts everyone thinks it will. It’s even now personalized millwork and real hardwoods and provides up rapidly. Footnote to the footnote — Martin mentioned Shaker fashion cabinets are some of the least high-priced to make and which is also 1 of the most well-liked traits suitable now.

The moodiest Tricorn Black Paint by Sherwin William is the great match for 5530 Merrimac Avenue.

12. Know your audience. Stevens said she often thinks about who will be residing below. Is it dual cash flow no young ones? It is a household of four? It can impact your layout. For example, a Tudor built modern in the M Streets is more probably to get a darkish, dramatic eating area than a household house in the suburbs.

Home renovation tips that never go out of style

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I love renovating and construction and always enjoy talking about it. Styles, colours, and trends come and go, but the basics stay the same. Today, many people are choosing to stay in their homes rather than move; so, I think it’s important for me to remind homeowners to renovate the right way.

Home renovations can be significant or as simple as making cosmetic updates to furniture or paint colour. No matter what, taking your time, having a realistic budget and understanding what you really want are essentials.

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Before you start, it’s important to define your goals and expectations for the project. Are you looking for a new look to improve functionality, increase energy efficiency, or fix some unresolved issues? Your renovation will go much smoother if you have a well-defined plan.

Do a cost analysis before you do anything. Renovations can be expensive, so you must understand everything required for your project — materials, products, labour, and demolition. The larger the job, the more money it will be — remember to have a slush fund for contingencies. 

Your research will give you a sense of the timeline your project will require. Proper planning is essential, like factoring the time it takes to select materials, fixtures and finishes. This may take several rounds before making a final decision, so be patient with the process. Also don’t forget to factor in material delivery times.

And always be prepared for the unexpected. Thinking that you won’t have any hiccups is unrealistic — you shouldn’t have many, but there will likely be something. Whether it’s a product or fixture that is unavailable or perhaps something more serious, like an issue that is revealed behind a wall — a slow leak that has caused mould or structural damage. This is common in older homes that haven’t been renovated in a while. So be prepared, especially when it comes to electrical compliance.

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Simple things like painting a wall, updating a cupboard with door hardware, or even wallpapering can be accomplished by a DIYer. More complicated tasks can sometimes be done by a seasoned handy person, but know your limitations. If it’s beyond your skill set, hire a pro. 

Also there are certain jobs like plumbing, electrical and HVAC that I would never recommend a homeowner do themselves no matter how skilled they are. These are jobs best left to licensed professionals.

How do you know you’ve hired the right person? That comes with research, asking questions and understanding what you want. Check credentials, ask for references, and ensure they have the licences and insurance. The “interview” process is an essential step for both parties. Ultimately, you want someone you can trust to come into your home and do the work properly. 

Get everything in writing, even small jobs. Everything must be a line item, including specific products, materials, finishes, fixtures, labour, etc. Ask if there are any exclusions. What are the terms and conditions, payment structure? How are disputes or delays addressed? What are the warranties? Don’t assume anything. If you don’t see it in the contract, ask about it.

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Not all renovations require permits and not all permits are the same. You will need permits if there are any structural changes, plumbing changes, electrical changes, or upgrades. A building permit is different from an electrical permit. Building permits are obtained through the local building authority. Other types of permits may be obtained through different provincial governing bodies; in Ontario, for example all electrical permits must be obtained through the Electrical Safety Authority and in B.C., through Technical Safety BC. Not getting the necessary permits leaves homeowners vulnerable to costly fines and complications during the renovation. It’s not worth the headache or the risk to you and your family.

Sustainable and energy-efficient renovations are becoming increasingly popular, and it makes sense that everything costs more in today’s economy. Incorporating energy-efficient features into your project, such as improved insulation, energy-efficient appliances, and eco-friendly building practices, will reduce your carbon footprint and lower energy costs.

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If you are planning a renovation — it needs to make sense, so adding functionality to your renovated space is a no-brainer. Will it meet your family’s needs both now and in the future? Don’t be short-sighted. Time can move quickly, and change can happen when you least expect it. If you can, consider accessibility, especially if you plan to age-in-place, with features such as wider doorways, barrier-free showers, and well-placed lighting.

Home renovations and improvements can be overwhelming, but with the right planning and preparedness, your project should be a success. Keep these tips in mind, along with regular check-ins, inspections, and open communication with your point person. This will help you have a successful renovation project no matter how big or small the job is.

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Recommendations to prevent property renovation frauds in France

Home renovation cons are turning into progressively widespread in France, particularly as the govt boosts and extends schemes for eco-welcoming jobs. Below is how to avoid acquiring stung. 

Why are ripoffs growing?

The governing administration has claimed it will pledge €5 billion to the MaPrimeRénov scheme to support house owners make eco-helpful renovations to their houses in 2024.

This extra funds and the predicted uptick in people today on the lookout for undertaking offers, indicates that scammers have stepped up their efforts to defraud owners.

Read more: What is France Rénov’ assist plan – can I use it to renovate my dwelling? 

“The rise in fraud is a scourge that can limit the success of general public grants,” Romain Villain, Taking care of Director of Heero, a enterprise specialising in renovation funding options, advised Money.

Nonetheless, he claimed that the chance of cons should really not “deter individuals from utilizing [government schemes], or from carrying out electrical power renovation work”, as extensive as folks are mindful of the challenges and know how to location a fraud if they see a single.

Suggestions features:

1. Choose an permitted strength auditor

Ahead of carrying out any perform on your assets, it is proposed that you get a whole vitality and environmental assessment completed. This will display you particularly in which enhancements can be manufactured.

Make guaranteed you choose a diagnostician who has the Reconnu garant de l'environnement (RGE) label. You can obtain a listing of accredited experts on the website. The assessment need to cost around €500-€1,000.

Opting for somebody - even if they surface qualified - who is not on the list opens you up to fraud and difficult advertising. 

Some unscrupulous diagnosticians may pretend to be auditors, with the sole reason of offering you high-priced machines after the evaluation. They may possibly even discover ‘faults’ with your assets that ‘require’ their equipment - of class! - to correct these kinds of as a heat pump company locating that your residence has a challenge that only their heat pump can solve. 

For apparent reasons, this is to be averted.

2. Secure your MaPrimeRénov specifics

You are encouraged hardly ever to give your MaPrimeRénov' account access codes to a organization or permit everyone to carry out the formalities of making use of for the income on your behalf. 

“Apply for renovation support personally, so that the grants are compensated immediately into your lender account,” advises Mr Villain at Heero. 

This can support avoid scammers who present to do the ‘difficult software work’ for their purchasers, and implement on your behalf, just before pocketing the dollars. They may possibly even do the work, and some can even display accreditation from the Agence nationale de l'habitat (ANAH), but you under no circumstances see your share of the grant. 

By the time you realise, the ‘company’ who applied for you may have been dissolved by the scammer, creating it difficult to get your income again.

Similarly, buyer affiliation 60 Millions de Consommateurs highlighted a situation in which a female was approached by a organization who mentioned she would only have to have to shell out €3,000 for the set up of a warmth pump, and that she essential to open a financial loan in advance for the perform to begin. The organization claimed that she could pay off the mortgage in complete when her MaPrimeRénov money arrived by. "But the money hardly ever arrived," she said. "Nonetheless, I nevertheless have to maintain on paying out back again the financial loan. Just after studying online, I discovered that the firm was a sham." Instead, the organization experienced pocketed her grant to spend for the work at first, installed the heat pump haphazardly, and then disappeared.

People are also warned to be warn to the situations of other styles of financial loans such as écoprêt à taux zéro.

This mortgage is conditional on the eco-friendly function staying finished, and you will only begin to pay out the loan back again after the supply of expert services. Nevertheless, Corinne Lamoussière-Pouvreau, lawful expert at the Institut nationwide de la consommation (INC), claimed: "But stay informed. Some consumers are occasionally pressured into signing a doc in which they say that the function has already been done. This implies that your constructing enterprise will be able to pocket the bank's funds in advance, even if no function has started out at your residence."

Always take care of your MaPrimeRénov' application, account, and funds you.

3. Verify the making get the job done very carefully

The renovation function performed in your house have to match and comply with the criteria set by ANAH to make sure that you receive the suitable MaPrimeRénov' grants. 

The contractors should be knowledgeable of the required requirements, these kinds of as a particular amount of windows, or the bare minimum thickness of insulation. If the function does not comply, you may not get your grant, and you will have to pay out for the entirety of the operate. 

If essential, you can inquire for an advisor from Mon Accompagnateur Rénov to verify that the function is compliant before your builder leaves to make sure that they are accomplishing a top quality job - and that you will receive your income as planned.

Rip-off defense

The government is aware that frauds are possible to increase up coming yr. As a result, it has mentioned that it will double the range of staff members doing work on vitality renovation reviews at the fraud place of work in 2024 (the Course générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes, DGCCRF).

The government and fraud business have also worked to apply an ‘anti-rip-off filter’ on any internet site that appears to be malicious or fraudulent when it arrives to property renovation.

The federal government is also established to increase and tighten checks on applications for extensive, expensive renovations, to keep away from the worst frauds. 

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